Seaplane Whale Watching
An unforgettable experienceWhale Watching Air Tour Highlights
A Seaplane Safari of Sights
Come along on a Whale Watching Safari. Your journey will include a thrilling seaplane takeoff and landing from Long Beach Harbor.
Whale Watching Flights depart from and return to Long Beach Bay or John Wayne airport (our seaplanes are amphibious – they can land on the water or on a runway.) When you make your reservation you can decide where you want to meet the seaplane. Several restaurants and hotels on San Diego Bay give VIP treatment to our customers when we make the lunch or dinner reservations for you.
Seaplane Safari “Whale Watching”Aerial Tours are available during the winter migration of the California Grey Whale (December – April)
Fly with us as we go exploring the wonders of the air and sea – Marvel as you go Soarin’ over California’s beautiful coast – it’s better than a Disneyland ride!
View the picturesque coast line and the majestic cliffs rising as we fly over Palos Verdes. Join us for a Seaplane Safari “Whale Watching” Adventure. Our safari is better than going to Africa; we won’t shoot anything but beautiful pictures. You will take home no trophies but true treasures of a memorable voyage. On our expedition, we seek out the great Blue Whale – the largest mammal on the planet Earth. Adult Blue Whales can grow to more than 100’ long and weigh over 150 tons.
On our Seaplane Safari “Whale Watching” tour is December to April each winter as follow the California Gray Whales on their annual migration just off the coast of San Diego.
Our “Whale Watching” Seaplane Safari is more exciting and more comfortable than bobbing up and down in a crowded “cattle boat” whale tour. California Gray whales travel south from Alaska, past Los Angeles, on the way to give birth to their new calves in the warm bays and lagoons of Baja California. The new whale babies along with their moms and dads head back north mid winter and early spring to spend the summer months feeding in Alaska. We spot the California Gray Whales off the coast of Los Angeles from November to April each year. During our tour, along with whales we often see pods of playful dolphins and slaphappy seals or barking sea lions. With the right conditions (clear water and small surf) we often see dozens of young leopard sharks in the waters. Breathtaking “Romantic Sunset” Flights are available.
You can choose your own departure times when available, so make your reservations early. FAA Certified Commercial Pilots conduct all our flights. All seats are window seats. All passengers are provided with headsets for special narration of the tour. We also provide aerial photography and aerial video services, as well as flight instruction.
Passengers enjoy the security and safety of being in a seaplane when over the water during our Seaplane Safari. All our flight and water operations are conducted with a good neighbor policy. We avoid disturbing sea critters and we steer clear of boats, kayaks and human beach activities. When we fly in the air above the whales, seals and other sea life, we are far LESS intrusive than a boat with its whining boat motor(s) because boats have direct contact with the ocean (obviously). The motor boats typically used for commercial whale watching tours are many times more annoying to the sea animals because the boat noise is much louder to their ears. Also, boat propellers have the potential of harming sea creatures physically.
We are dedicated that your adventure with us is safe and enjoyable. We offer an unforgettable experience that you will treasure forever. Please call or e-mail us to schedule your memorable flight today. You may even find your own private paradise.
Terms and conditions:
• Check-in 20 minutes prior to departure, photo IDs are required for pre-paid flights.
• Exact flight routes, visible landmarks and flight times may vary slightly due to weather conditions and other air traffic.
• Wind & wave conditions may prevent a water takeoff & landing.
• There is no guarantee that we will see blue whales, gray whales, killer whales or any other kind of whales.
• 24-hour cancellation notice is required.
• A 10% service fee will be applied to all cancellations.
• No refunds for cancellations that are less than 24 hours of your scheduled tour, no refunds for a “no-show”.
Above prices were posted on Aug 7, 2013
Seaplane Air Tour Prices Long Beach (or John Wayne Airport):
10 Minute Seaplane Air Tour:
$ 190 per person
Whale Watching Seaplane Air Tour Prices from Long Beach:
15 Minute Seaplane Air Tour:
$ 250 per person
$ 500 for 2 people, ($ 250 each)
$ 960 for 4 people, ($ 240 each)
30 Minute Seaplane Whale Watching Safari Air Tour:
$ 330 per person
$ 600 for 2 people, ($ 300 each)
$ 1,100 for 4 people, ($ 275 each)
CATALINA ISLAND AIR TOUR departing from and
returning to Long Beach or LA Harbor
(Seaplane Tour departures are from Long Beach Harbor or from the water near Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro (LA Harbor) or from Long Beach Airport, John Wayne Airport or Fullerton Airport. Hawthorne Airport, Santa Monica Airport and other airports are available upon request. Please confirm departure location when booking your Seaplane Tour.)
Long Beach to Catalina (15 min), Catalina Island Tour (15 Min), Catalina to Long Bch (15 min) plus 5 minute water taxi in seaplane before and after the flight (45 to 50 minutes Total):
$ 395 per person
$ 760 for 2 people, ($ 380 each)